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Eyja Thatcher

Eyja was the first person Vianna was introduced to at Shoku, and from that meeting started a slow but strong friendship between the two. Affectionately nicked named Vianna's "Wife" the two spend time together leisurely talking over drinks and food or discussing work and skills. She is one of the very few she trusts on this Star. Vianna is forever grateful to Eyja for the opportunities and experiences she's been given to work alongside her Shadows.

Seyu'a Yhinsali

An ally met under her contract work with Umi. A Miqo'te that she can always trust to lie to her in the most honest of ways and get into mischief with! Their relationship built on is mutual respect for each others craft and secrets. Secrets that of which they slyly and patiently try to uncover about each other, a battle of wits that might never end. Vianna serves as his personal tailor in his discreet and ever dangerous line of work.

Riona Sk'adi

A small little Xaela she is dearly fond of. Another colleague she had met during her times working with Shoku. Though, despite being "just" colleagues, she is more than willing to go out and sneak for a good time at any venue or event with this dragon of a woman. Ready to get into trouble or have a relaxing time, whatever calls to them in the moment!

Alex Foxguard

A chance meeting that started with an exchange of money and false affections. Though, Vianna had never expected for her to actually enjoy the time and company spent with him. Eventually their relationship turned into one genuine. His patience, loyalty, skills, ability to lead, and make good judgement has impressed her thoroughly. But that isn't to say she doesn't adore the more over-dramatic and reckless, adventure loving personality of this complicated pirate.

Kahlua Sylvil'ga

The relationship between these two is odd and difficult to understand to outsiders. Bickering one moment then speaking nonsense suggestive words to each other the next. It's honestly hard to tell if they either hate or enjoy each other's personality.Though Vianna respects her greatly, a reliable source of knowledge and physical skills. And of course her favorite person to irritate and bother!


There is no one else Vianna would love to spend time with than this "Raen" when her cravings for tea arise. Much to her surprise, did she meet someone in her line of work that was just as in love with tea as she was. These two can spend hours speaking brewing methods and dicussing flavor profiles. Though they're also "Twins" in their sense of fashion, always matching and coordinating their outfit or sometimes even without intending to.